You are sitting in a room and although there are people, you feel alone. Alone in your thoughts. Alone in your mind. You see your child running around the room, laughing and playing and you want so desperately to fight this sadness, this feeling you carry with you throughout the days.
You are feeling like a terrible mom, the worst one out there because you have this happy and healthy child, maybe multiple happy and healthy children, and you do not want to take that for granted. We never want to take life for granted. You have a home and food on the table. Meals that you take the time to prep, cook and serve. Maybe you stay home every day or maybe you work, whether full time or part time you go to your job and then come home to be mom. To be wife. To carry other titles than the name you were given.
Not many women truly express their feelings and emotions and because of it, we often fall into depression. We struggle with anxiety and other mental illnesses. Because there is a stigma when it comes to mental health, but the stigma may be even higher when it comes to women who struggle with mental illnesses. Not just women, but moms. Suddenly, we are bad mothers, horrible people for feeling these emotions. Emotions that are valid. That should be accepted. So many of us fear reaching out for support because of the stigma it has. Because we fear of losing our babies because someone sees us as unstable.
But mamas, I am here to tell you that seeking support, seeking therapy or taking a medication even, that is what makes you the badass you are. That is what makes you an even better mother. Because you are taking care of you. And as they say, you cannot pour out of an empty glass. Your glass must be full before you can fill the glasses of those around you.
Some where out there, there is a mother feeling alone. Feeling darkness surrounding her and if she ever comes across this, I want her to know that her feelings are valid. I hear your silent cries in the shower and I want you to know that it is okay. It is okay to not be okay. Seek out the avaliable resources. If you do not know where to find them I have a category specifically for resources and support services. If you need further assistance, I am a message away and always happy to assist you in finding a service provider to suit your needs.
Mama, you are beautiful. You are so amazing and you are very likely unappreciated. That is why I believe mothers and fathers, parents in general need to empower one another. Need to stick together and be a village because it truly does take a village. We all need a village. My village is open to all.
If you or someone you know are in crisis please call (888) 796-8226 immediately. You are not alone<3
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