It's not like I imagined it would be.
As soon as they laid that baby on me
I could feel it in my body-
This is who I am meant to be.
My truest destiny,
There is not any other hood like it.
I knew this is one
I wanted to enter when I was small,
But now that I have entered
I fear I will fall.
Some days I am killing it-
Dinner and a bath!
Cleaned the entire house
and we even did a craft!
Other days I am drowning
in laundry so deep.
I feel it keeps me far away
from my children's growing feet.
I just want to witness
every inch that they grow.
For it happens faster
than anyone can know.
Am I perfect mother?
Oh, of course not.
But am I the perfect mother
for these tots?
I wrote this shortly after I got my job. It was the first job I had in 5 years as I was fortunate to be a stay at home mother. I had so many feelings and emotions swirling around my body and mind. I was so scared that I was leaving them, but I was also scared that one day I will leave them and how will they be? Being a parent is truly one of the most challenging positions in life. We are constantly being watched and judged for the choices we make as parents. Not only do others convince us we are doing it wrong, when in most circumstances there is no right or wrong as long as child is taken care of, shelter, food, love, clothes, etc. It doesn't matter if you formula feed or breastfeed. The fact that you are feeding your baby is what makes it right. To all the parents and guardians questioning if you are doing right, my opinion to that is, if you are questioning it, you are doing it right. Do what you know is best for your children and for you. <3
P.S. Kate said it best!
